Great Lakes Mock Community 16S
This example is based on:
Klymus et al. (2017) Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding assays to detect invasive invertebrate species in the Great Lakes.
Our main focus is 5 mock communities of 11 marine species in different ratios (Table 2). The target amplicon copy number varies from trace level (14 reads) to high copy number (9090 reads), making this an interesting example to examine THAPBI PICT’s minimum read abundance setting.
Two different sets primers were used targeting overlapping regions of the mtDNA 16S RNA marker gene, named MOL16S and SPH16S, which were sequenced separately (and not as in some of the other examples pooled together for the Illumina sequencing).
The full dataset includes aquarium and river environmental samples too, but public sequence databases lack many of the sequences detected.